Tax Consultation

According to the Inland Revenue Ordinance, Chapter 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong, profits earned by individuals or companies conducting business in Hong Kong are subject to Hong Kong profits tax.

Tax returns for limited companies or partnerships are generally issued in April each year, while tax returns for individuals are generally issued in May each year. The profits tax return of a newly established company is generally issued 18 months after the company’s date of incorporation.

Taxpayers who receive tax return must complete the tax return within the specified time limit and submit it to the Inland Revenue Department together with the relevant annual audit report.

Our professional team, with over 40 years of in-depth knowledge of our client’s business and industry, can provide the professional and reliable tax planning solution from the perspective of our clients, and solve our clients’ tax questions and worries. With our assistance, customers can declare taxes promptly and properly, reducing unnecessary taxes and fines.

Hong Kong's main taxes are divided into 4 categories

Profits tax
Salaries tax
Property tax
Stamp duty

Tax consulting services mainly include

For more information about tax services

Please contact our professional consultants, we will provide you with free consulting services.